A talk by Carolyn Heath
The Shipibo are a lowland people living in the Upper Amazon. This tribe has more or less maintained their tribal identity and still practices their shamanic traditions and beliefs. Some 330,000 indigenous people from 63 ethnic groups continue to inhabit the rainforests of eastern Peru, their survival mainly due to the relative inaccessibility of their lands until recent times.
This talk will explore the matriarchal nature of the tribe and the link between their art and cosmology. Their designs are represented in pottery and textiles and represent a window on infinity and symbolism of their culture. Living among the Shipibo for several years gave Carolyn a unique insight into their lives and a her longlasting interest in their welfare has led her studies into their unique culture.
Advance Tickets only: £10.00 members / £12.00 non-members / £8.00 students & over 65 (Members only)
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Registered Charity No. 262046